Permanent loans are originated from banks, credit unions, life companies, institutional partners, and/or the CMBS market.
Permanent Loan Parameters
Bridge loans are originated from private debt funds, family offices, opportunistic investment vehicles, and high net worth individuals.
Bridge Loan Parameters
Construction loans are originated from a wide range of banks and private funds depending on the financing priorities of the project (i.e. high leverage, non-recourse, flexible covenants, quick close, prepayment penalties, etc.).
Construction Loan Parameters
Subordinate financing options (preferred equity and mezzanine debt) are originated from opportunistic funds for clients who are needing to stretch their leverage while maintaining a manageable blended price to their capital.
Subordinate Financing Parameters
From limited partner placements to co-general partner opportunities, JV equity solutions help round out the capital stack to meet required equity slugs on all types of projects.
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